- About Delphi Programming
- Andreas Hörstemeier's Homepage
- Delphi Risk Management - Consulting and Training in the management of Financial product creativ
- Delphi Super Page
- Internet - Hardware - Software - free and share und Delphi
- Michael Brick personal homepage - Freeware & Delphi
- p.i.c.s. Freeware und Shareware - Programmierung Delphi, Pascal, HTML
- SunSITE Central Europe, Aachen
- Torry's Delphi Pages.
- UdLS Willkommen im UdLS-Portal -- Tutorialsammlung zu Progammieren, Linux, Unix, Netzwerk, Protokollen etc.
- UdLS Willkommen im UdLS-Portal
- VCL Components - Delphi and C++ Builder Components
- visual basic, vb, active server pages (ASP),java, javscript,c, c++, c__ , vbscript,active server pages, ASP, vbscript,SQL, data